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Podcast/Radio Interview

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"Nila provided an engaging and insightful overview of her work and experience over the past few years. Her approach spoke on issues of racial discrimination, body image and climate change, providing a safe space for the team to have an honest and open discussion that followed on from her talk."


- Molly Evans, Venturethree.

"Nila covers topics in her show which are tricky for even the most experienced broadcasters. It's great to hear someone speak with purpose and passion about what they're saying. She has a very natural style of presenting, I feel like I want to hear more of what she has to say! It is so great to hear more diverse lineups and representation on student radio and Nila is paving the way. She wouldn't sound out of place on a national station, she sounds confident and educational whilst putting her listeners at ease with the topic of discussion and being able to inject humour into part of the show"

- SRA + BBC Judge



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"After Nila's talk, I remembered her words yesterday while speaking to a parent about the possibility of body shaming a student might be enduring in his social circles. Her talk gave me some helpful insights and a teenager vocabulary helping to pick up manifestations of body shaming.


Even though her audience for the speech at Jothi was teenage children, I must admit that I benefited most. I am happy to say that the outcome of her speech is still in me and I am sure the same must be true for all those who participated.


I am sure Nila will be able to show light to more and more children who struggle with body image acceptance."


- Prakash, Jothhi Learning

Boldness of concept and passionate authenticity come through for the Nila Extract. It takes energy, commitment and determination which Nila well demonstrates

- SRA + BBC Judge panel

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